BIAC-OECD Green Growth Meeting, Paris





Over the past 18 months, The Green Economies, Green Dialogues (GED) project has convened events in WashingtonParisBeijingTokyoBrasilia and in Rio De Janeiro to inform Rio + 20 discussions and follow-up and invited distinguished academics to contribute peer-reviewed Green Perspectives on business-relevant aspects of green growth.

Above: Jan Corfee-Morlot, OECD speaks at the BIAC-OECD Dialogue.

On November 6, 2012 we held a BIAC-OECD dialogue to:

  • share information from the GED and its recently published
    Perspectives Papers* and
  • identify ways for business to interact with the OECD Green Growth agenda and its new Forum on Sustainable Development and Green Growth.
PRESENTATIONS and DOCUMENTS from the November 6 meeting:

*Note: The Green Perspectives Papers are available here.